Dr Abhay Agrawal Trains Young Surgeons in 3D Lap Surgery at International Fellowship Course.

Dr Agrawal under Faculty Banner at the Venue
Just as 3D movie experience provides more immersion for viewers than 2D, the latest technology of 3D laparoscopic surgery provides quicker understanding of operating sites to Surgeons versus the conventional 2D lap surgery.
This means 20-25% less time under anaesthesia for patients because 3D visualization helps Surgeons complete a laparoscopic surgery safer and faster compared to 2D.
Dr Abhay Agrawal was invited last week as Faculty to the highly reputed Mohak International Fellowship Course at Indore along with many noted international and national faculties. Dr Agrawal trained young surgeons in Fine arts of Bariatric Surgery using 3D visualization.
Despite significant advantages, 3D lap surgery is still not widely used due to high costs of equipment. It costs about 3 times the 2D system.
Dr Agrawal’s Center for Obesity and Diabetes Control (CODC) is one of the few centers in the country to offer 3D Lap Surgery without charging any premium to the patients.
With 3D lap surgeries, his center reduces surgery time further, adding to patient advantage.
- Getting Ready to Train
- Dr Agrawal with Co-Faculties